The days are getting longer and June will be here soon. In Sweden, this also means the celebration of midsummer, "midsommar" in swedish. If you want to celebrate the biggest swedish holiday in Stockholm, the best place is Skansen. The world's oldest open-air museum is worth a visit anyway. There you can not only visit the old houses from different regions in Sweden and learn about swedish traditions and handcraft, but you can also celebrate midsummer like a Swede. Skansen is open from 10 a.m. until 10 p.m. and you can buy your ticket in advance to not lose time queuing in front of the entrance.
Then you can bind birch wreaths, get some food on the foodstand, walk around and visit the houses and the animals. But be sure to be there on time (which means about half an hour early to get a good view) at Tingsvallen for the highlight: the rise of the maypole! First it gets decorated, then rised and then everybody can sing and dance around the maypole to famous songs like "Små grodarna". The music and dance then continues for the rest of the day!
You can find the program for the three days of midsummer and all other important informations at the calendar on the Skansen-website. Some more photos of the celebration can be found on my photo-website.
Something else to know when you're in Stockholm during that time: don't be surprised if there aren't many Stockholmers in the city during this weekend. Most of them leave the capital to visit friends on the countryside or the archipelago. So if you want to have a boat to the archipelago on your own for example: it's possible on midsumemr day! Many shops and restaurants are closed during most of those three days, so you better get informed in advance if you want to visit. So now enjoy midsummer in Stockholm!